Triple A (Mathematics + G.K.)
Triple A game requires you to put your mathematician hat on!
Choose a deck of your favorite topic (Food, Travel and transport, Sports and games), pick the top card of the deck, turn it over to see the question, ANSWER in your mind, ARRANGE your digits so you are as close to the answer as possible and if you win the turn, ACCUMULATE stars.
Engage in this super fun, easy to play educational game. Play with your family and kids to find out who becomes the MATHSTAR.
Builds -
- mathematics skills (numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, time, money, shapes and patterns, measurement)
- general knowledge about,
- basic strategy and logical skills (how to best arrange the cards to win the turn)
- social and emotional skills as one plays in a group offline (some time off the digital devices and virtual friends!)
Includes -
- 4 decks with a total of 123 playing cards
- an instruction sheet
- an answer sheet
Relevant for -
- 6 - 12 years of age (from learning perspective). Even those older than 12 years can play it for fun :)
- 2 - 4 players